The Universe was trying to tell me something. I just couldn't figure out what.
Even though I was (mostly) a stay-at-home mom, I had also started a highly successful freelance editing business as The Grammar Babe. What started as a part-time effort, mainly to stay busy while my kids slept and my husband worked, soon took on a life of its own. Let's just say I'm good at manifesting. Don't get me wrong: I love my work as an editor. Editing novels was my dream come true. I mean, who wouldn't love to get paid to read books for a living?
But something finally dawned on me one day when I read this quote by Tony Gaskins:
"If you don't build your dream, someone else will hire you to build theirs."
Even though I was (mostly) a stay-at-home mom, I had also started a highly successful freelance editing business as The Grammar Babe. What started as a part-time effort, mainly to stay busy while my kids slept and my husband worked, soon took on a life of its own. Let's just say I'm good at manifesting. Don't get me wrong: I love my work as an editor. Editing novels was my dream come true. I mean, who wouldn't love to get paid to read books for a living?
But something finally dawned on me one day when I read this quote by Tony Gaskins:
"If you don't build your dream, someone else will hire you to build theirs."
That was exactly what I was doing. And while I love my clients and believe in their dreams and their writing, I was not adequately investing in myself. And I have every reason to. So, I had what I like to call a "Come to Jesus" with myself and asked, "Self, what is your highest purpose? What did your soul come here to do this time around? What do you have to learn from others? What do you want to teach?"
The answers were within me the entire time.
The answers were within me the entire time.
2) I'm a writer and editor.
3) I am passionate about inspiration and communications.
4) I love to help others achieve their highest good.
5) I am highly intuitive.
6) I know with certainty that I am surrounded by guardian angels, and I want others to understand that they are too.
7) I have been searching for my own higher spiritual truth for some time.
8) I am passionate about Reiki and the ability to help others reduce stress, balance their energy, and break free from old emotions that no longer serve them.
9) I believe in tolerance and making the world a kinder, more peaceful place.
10) I believe at the end of the day, the meaning of life is LOVE.
So I added all of these things into one big, boiling pot and stirred it right up, and I knew I finally had my answer.
I am a bridge for others. A human bridge.
My highest calling is to help others unlock their spiritual potential and abilities, to trust in their intuition, to help heal their body, mind, emotions, and spirit through Reiki, and to be an effective communicator who can make all this woo-woo stuff seem normal (it is) by using every day language. That's my calling in a nut shell. But let me tell you: That did not come easily.
I am a bridge for others. A human bridge.
My highest calling is to help others unlock their spiritual potential and abilities, to trust in their intuition, to help heal their body, mind, emotions, and spirit through Reiki, and to be an effective communicator who can make all this woo-woo stuff seem normal (it is) by using every day language. That's my calling in a nut shell. But let me tell you: That did not come easily.
My clients are among the best independent writers ever. They are beautiful, strong, passionate, smart women whom I have learned from, grown with, respected, and come to friend over the years. They will stay in my life long after this transition. But at the end of 2014, that's exactly what I knew I had to do. Transition. Grow. Spread my wings. Build my own dreams. Take care of me. Put my family first. Because no matter how small the effort, every time I agreed to help someone else, it was time taken away from my family. And my family was suffering. I was suffering. My health was suffering.
While standing there at that crossroads, agonizing over my decision and feeling as if I just broke up with my best friend(s), I asked my angels for guidance and did a reading with Jennifer Galasso's Crystal Visions deck - one of my very favorites. Not only did the entire reading downright floor me with its accuracy and much-needed divine timing of the messages I received, I was also very spiritually moved by the Nine of Swords card. Galasso's artwork is simply gorgeous in its imagery, and the idea of lying there, immobile, full of regret and indecision, and never getting up and owning my destiny...well, it stopped me cold.
The Nine of Swords is all about "guilt, anguish, and regret." Guilt over leaving my editing clients? Check. Anguish over whether I was making the right spiritual decisions? Check. Regret over giving up one dream, to pursue that which has yet to be unveiled? Check.
As you'll notice with the Nine of Swords card posted on the right side of this blog page, the woman has "taken to the ground in despair. She is paralyzed by fear and doubt, unable to move forward. The ravens perch on the swords that surround her, looking on, assessing the pain. They wait for her to pick up the ninth sword that rests by her side and move on." (quoted from: J. Galasso)
Ironically, the raven is one of my strongest animal guides (although, we all know there are no coincidences). There I was, immobilized by my emotions, agonizing over whether I was doing the right thing. And here was my answer: Pick up my sword and move on.
And I did. I picked up my damn sword, I've begun practicing Reiki, and I'm going to be blogging here about spiritual and life-affirming topics on this aptly named and divinely inspired page. I hope you'll share this terrifying and exhilarating journey with me.
More importantly, I hope you share your own journey with me as well. Because when we support one another's growth and evolvement, we all win. Have you picked up your sword and moved on yet? If not, what's stopping you? I can promise you this: God's got your back. Your angels are by your side. And whether you have an ah-ha moment or not, it's never too late to pick up that sword and follow your dreams.
As someone cool once said: "In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take."
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Raven by Oddball Art. Etsy.